Boosting Collections Management Capabilities on GP 2015 and GP 2016


Professional Advantage was excited to announce our upcoming newest features of Collections Management released in Microsoft Dynamics® GP 2016. As a consumer driven product, Professional Advantage strives to innovate Collections Management based on their customer’s needs. This release is compatible with GP 2016 and GP 2015.

Here are the newest feature additions in the GP 2016 update of Collections Management:

1) Use an RTF file as the email body when using a Word Letter. This is setup at the Collector level

Why this is useful: With the flexibility offered by Microsoft Word, your logo, design, signatures drafted in your Microsoft Word Collections Letters will be easily displayed in the body of the email sent to your customers.

2) Define the Unposted Sales, Unposted Orders amounts include via a SQL query

Why this is useful:

While several users benefit from the use of the Collections Management Unposted Sales and Unposted Orders figures coming from the Microsoft Dynamics GP Customer Summary information, other users in the past had to track the unposted figures coming from the receivable module but also other unposted figures coming from other third party products such as 1Staff Back Office. With this new feature, the unposted sales and the unposted orders figures from these third-party products integrating with Microsoft Dynamics GP can be accounted for in the Unposted Sales and Unposted Orders figures provided by Collections Management.

3) DSO Calculated by Customer

Why this is useful:
You can now calculate the average sales per day and average days outstanding in a specific period per customer. This will help indicate how much you are selling and how fast you are receiving payments from that customer.

4) Ability to define how DSO is calculated

Why this is useful:

This feature will allow you to define a set of criteria for your DSO Calculation.

5) Add Select All/None buttons on Collections Installation to mark/unmark companies

Why this is useful:

This will help ensure faster upgrades. By having the ability to select all, you’ll be able to update all companies using Collections simultaneously. Additionally, the unmark feature will allow you to easily unmark all companies selected.

6) Add company database name to the progress dialog when updating companies

Why this is useful:

This feature will allow you to easily track the progress of your upgrade by knowing which company is being updated.

7) Be able to zoom to the detailed information on the Last Payment on the Collections Main window

Why this is useful:

While you could previously see the last payment amount made by a specific customer in our previous Collections release, you can now zoon into that payment to see detailed information and invoice details.

8) Advanced Letter function to define what columns of document information display for a letter function that display detailed document information. So, if you want to display the Customer PO for the invoice, or the salesperson, etc. as part of a letter function, you can

Why this is useful:

In additional to the existing Collections Management letter functions, this new feature offers more flexibility by allowing the user to define the information pertaining to the documents (invoice or credit) needed to be included in the Collections Letter. Just as the Advanced Collections Query, this Advanced Collections letters offers more flexibility.

9) Collection Main defaults to display Open notes only company database name to the progress dialog when updating companies

Why this is useful:

This feature will allow the collectors to focus primarily on the Collections Open notes by ensuring that these open notes are automatically displayed when accessing the Collections Main window.

10) Add option on Collection Main to display amounts at each step in a Collection Plan

Why this is useful:

This shows which step in a Collection Plan your customer is currently on, as well as what is coming up on their Collection Plan, reflecting the dollar amounts owed on that specific step in the plan. Customers can only be on one step in a Collection Plan at a time, not multiple steps. If a customer were to pay all documents on a specific step in a Collection Plan, this would then display their next step in the Collection plan for their next oldest outstanding invoice.

11) Save the setting of the Display field on Collection Main by user

Why this is useful:

Collections Main, your way. with this feature each Collector will be able to save their setting display based on their preferences.

Want to learn more about Collections Management by Professional Advantage? Click here >>

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